15 August 2011

"Are you ready?"

As the time for my departure date draws near, many have been asking "Are you ready?"

In short, no.
I am mostly packed.  But I still have a list of "to-do's" before I leave.  I am sure that many of them will not be completed, but it's not from lack of help from my friends and family.
Many of you have helped me pack, offered a place to store my belongings, cleaned my house, fed me, engaged in discussion about life in Burkina, taught me skills & techniques that I may need, prayed for me and with me, supported me financially, etc. etc.
My friends & family have been so good to me.  Thank you all so much!
Yet, there is more to study (French, appropriate technologies, agriculture, and the list goes on); there is more to organize; there is more to pray for; there are more skills to develop; and the list goes on.  Here's a question (it's not rhetorical - feel free to respond):  Does the Lord our God want us to serve Him with willing hands - whether we're ready or not?

Many have asked about my finances.  I have been overwhelmed with the support that you all have given.  I plan to give an update in about a month when I get another report, but I think about 3/4ths of the total cost has been given or promised.  May I give you a big "e-hug" to thank you for your sacrifices!

In about a year, I will be preparing to come back to the States.  I anticipate that I will have a similar answer to the question "are you ready?" - that is, "no".  I anticipate that there will be much "undone".  But I do appreciate your prayers, and ask for your trust that the Lord's purposes would be fulfilled.

FYI - here's my schedule:
now - Aug 17:  NJ with family
Aug 17-20:  in NC for SIM orientation
Aug 20-23:  in NJ with family
Aug 23:  I leave for Burkina Faso - Au revoir.