Hi Friends.
Odd, but it just rained last night. No one here has ever seen a rainfall like the one we just experienced in the month of February; at least not in recent generations. In any case, we are all very happy to be blest by the water.
Speaking of water, I think if you asked any chief what the biggest need is for their village within a 100 km radius (or perhaps much of West Africa), they’d say access to water (perhaps there are a couple outliers).
I am working on a project to install a few “water distribution points” nearby, where people can purchase water from the tap. One of the underground PVC pipes had broken, and I was digging the ground to repair it. Two curious men approached and asked if they could help me. We promptly cleared the mud around the broken pipe. “Technology” said one of the men, who was apparently impressed. I don’t think of PVC plumbing as “technology”, but they just don’t use it around here (though they do use cell phones and motorcycles).
Regarding well drilling, my team has just recently drilled their first well completely without my influence. Yay! And now, we’re working on drilling a well for the 3rd time. We just weren’t getting enough reflow rate. Hopefully we do it right this time. I should mention that Tiabli’s hands have been bothering him a little. I’m sure this is due to the hard work. He’s getting better as he is taking it a little easier, but he’s still working hard, and I’d appreciate your prayers for him.
The reason that my team had the opportunity to dig a well without my influence, was because I was off gallivanting on the other side of the country. I had the opportunity to join “Friends In Action”, a deep well drilling team that consisted of 7 from Northern Ireland, 1 Burkinabe, 1 Canadian, and 1 American (me). We drilled two deep wells (30m+) in a matter of about 5 days. Although I don’t intend to invest in a gigantic air compressor or a pneumatic drilling rig, I did take some notes, and we’ve already successfully implemented a few improvements to our hand drilling operation.
Yesterday morning, I offered a Bible Study for those working with me. The Scripture was from Mark 1:21-22 where Jesus speaks with “authority” in the synagogue, and the next set of verses (23-28) where Jesus orders demons to leave their victim. Jesus first speaks with authority, then he uses it. Some of the guys come from Muslim background, where they often consider Christians as “pagans” (which really means to believe in more than one god) due to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So in talking about the authority of Jesus we also talked about the Trinity, and how each expression of God is made of the same stuff. I used a visual example of ice, water, and steam… then we added Nescafe to it and had coffee.
My health is good. Thanks for your prayers.
Sorry, this is a bit out of place, but I just had another small victory. We have been falling behind making fences for the Survival Gardens because the tools weren’t working properly. We bought these tools in the capital city (Ouaga). I spent all day yesterday and all morning today trying to make another one along with the help of the guy whose using the tool here (Luana) and the welder (Umpuganli). Finally we had success today! This is great news. Not just because we have a tool that works, not just because we have a shot at keeping on schedule with the Survival Gardens, but also because Luana and Umpuganli have the knowledge to make and repair these tools. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Yep even this one.
Oh and I am having to make some decisions on hiring other day workers, so please pray for guidance, shrewdness, patience, etc... for me.
Be well.