Contact Info:
Time: Burkina Time is 4 (during US daylight savings) or 5 hours ahead of Eastern (US) time depending if it is during Day Light Savings Time in the US. Burkina does not implement Day Light Savings Time.
skype: brendon.earl (the country is Burkina Faso)
The closest post office to the mission station is in Diapaga, 50 km away. There are no regularly scheduled trips to Diapaga, so mail for the mission station is not picked up regularly, though we do try to make sure it gets picked up every time someone is passing through. You can give your friends and family the mission station’s address in Diapaga for letters and regular post, but we recommend that you give people the mission’s address in Ouagadougou for sending packages. Both addresses are listed below. You may also want to make your friends and family aware that, while most mail is usually received, there is never any guarantee that a particular package won’t get lost or delayed. They should especially keep this in mind when sending time sensitive or perishable items. If you receive a package, it may also be subject to customs fees if it contains a lot of new items or items that are considered valuable. Even without any customs fees, there is usually a minimal fee that must be paid in order to pick up packages at the post office. An employee at the SIM office in Ouagadougou picks all SIM mail up at the post office on a daily basis and your account will be charged accordingly. Mail or packages for you sent to SIM’s Ouagadougou office will be brought to Mahadaga on the next available opportunity unless you request otherwise.
(for regular post)
Brendon Earl
SIM Mission Protestante
BP 18
Diapaga, Burkina Faso
(for packages)
Brendon Earl
SIM Mission Protestante (Zogona)
BP 1552
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso